Hi readers, now i want to tell you about Wasior Flood at Papua, Indonesia.
Wasior Floods Kill 29 People - Floods Wasior occurring in West Papua on Monday (4/10/2010) reportedly has killed 29 people. As many as 103 others missing.
Number of people killed and missing due to the flood victims in West Papua Wasior expressed by the Head of Public Communication Center Kemenkes drg Tritarayati, SH, in a release told AFP on Tuesday (05/10/2010).
According to Tri, 16 people were evacuated to hospitals with conditions Nabire fracture (broken bone) 5 people and 11 people injured. While 60 people referred to the hospital with details of 52 people admitted to hospitals Nabire, 1 person to a hospital in Makassar, and 7 people to work at Manokwari.
According to the report the Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health (P2PL) Prof. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama, Sp.P (K), the disaster also washed away the staff of Port Health Office (NOA) in Office Work Area (wilker) CTF Wondama to the sea. Currently survivors, while the offices and equipment washed away.
Meanwhile, the travel time distance to where the disaster was reported from Manokwari 1 hour by plane 8 hours by a ship owned by Pelni, and 16 hours with cruise ship people.
Flash floods also caused damage to health facilities, among others
Wasior District Health Center. Mess doctors and nurses were severely damaged. Housing and paramedics with minor damage and also houses the Head of Health Office (DHO) Wondama Bay District damaged.
Tri added, Kemenkes today also send 5 people to handle the health care team are the victims of flash floods. The team assigned to assist health office to turn the health care system, conduct assessments and coordinate in providing assistance to victims.
In addition, Kemenkes also send a body bag as many as 100 pieces, MP-ASI 1 ton and 1 ton of medicines. Delivery process in coordination with National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB).
To support the health care team center, said Tri, Nabire district health office has also commissioned four doctors and four nurses as well as setting up hospitals and private hospitals as a place of reference. CTF Manokwari dispatch a doctor
and 2 nurses, a sanitarian, a logistics officer and carrying tents and medicine.
Manokwari regency health office also sent three doctors and 7 nurses. West Papua Provincial Health Office as the Center for Crisis Response (PPK) has prepared a Papuan subregion of health human resources and logistics. Regional KDP Makassar send orthopedic sets.
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